Everyday Life

The Sigh of the Needy

“For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him.” Psalm 12:5 KJV

Psalm 12 talks about the sigh of the needy.

I thought to myself, what a humble sound that must be in the ears of God.

Not a complaint,
or a whine,
more of a resignation that yes, things are bad,
and no, I can’t handle it.

God waits for that sound from His children.

It made me realize that every time I have come to that precipice, looked out over all that I knew to be true and saw that I could not change anything and finally sighed,
He was there.

God’s mercy was so comforting, so real, so powerful that it lead me home again. His mercy walked me silently, but safely to where I had begun and bid me begin again.

Those moments of going home are more precious and more poignant in my mind than any blissful memory.

The most secure feeling comes over me when I realize that the most unimaginable trial is overshadowed by the most loving God.

There is no tragedy, and there is no shame that can separate me from His love. He is constantly and keenly aware of the sighing of the needy.

Not the cry of the desperate, or the pleading of the fearful, but the knowing, and trusting breath, released from the depths of the soul of those whose only hope is in Christ.

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