In a Nutshell:
I am Mary Jo Kelso, a wife and a mama. I’ve lived in the Nashville, Tennessee area for most of my life now, but I have many great stories about growing up in the tiny township of Burr Oak, Michigan.
I have experienced many facets of ministry; from traveling full time with a comedy drama team, using my love for music and theater, as well as my need to be funny, to draw people to Christ at retreats, camps, church events, and large conferences, to singing “Jesus Loves Me” more than 1,200 times as I rocked my baby boys to sleep. I regard each as equally important.
Writing has always been a passion for me. From an early age I recognized and pondered the great power words have to turn a mind toward light and truth. I have had the privilege of writing and recording music, I was able to write alongside my ministry partners and contribute to our fun sketch repertoire, I so love to turn a phrase in poetry, or a light-hearted Limerick, and have especially enjoyed writing my thoughts and memories into my personal journal, and blog posts. I am currently working on writing my first book, “Grace Mama”, a work in progress about the imperfect science of parenting.
The Details: