Everyday LifeLimerick Friday

A Kick in the Shanks

I can’t believe it’s Friday already. My has the week flown by.

Earlier this week Owen discovered the word precarious and has used it incorrectly a few times since. It’s so fun when they do that, but I promise I still correct him. I don’t want him to be 30 years old and tell someone that their shoes are precarious, just because he likes the sound of the word coming out of his mouth.

Regardless…his interest and the wonderful sound it makes when small people say big words inspired this one.

A spineless lad Edward N. Farious,
Teased small folks and called it hilarious.
But one day his pranks,
Earned a kick in the shanks.
Now his stance is a bit more precarious.

4 thoughts on “A Kick in the Shanks

  1. Isn’t there a kids song with the word precarious in it. I can hear the tune…can’t remember…Veggie Tales- Where’s God When I’m Scared, the song about King Darius. OK, I’m fine now. Love the limerick. I’m pretty sure Owen will use precarious correctly when he’s 30- funny.

  2. Cute. The good thing is, he’s learning the word. There are plenty of people that don’t know big words and/or definitely don’t know how to use them properly. If he walks on stilts one could say his shoes are precarious:) I know they’re not really shoes, but close.

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